Friday, June 29, 2012

15 months

My sweet big baby had her 15 month birthday yesterday.  That meant today we got to go in for her 15 month check up and a couple shots.  She did really awesome, making her momma really proud.

At Reagan's two month check up, a whole year ago, she was a fat chunk.  I loved her rolls for the record.  All that good mommy milk made her top the growth scales and she was a shorty.  Today is a much different story.  She is a VERY active girl, and because of that she was 20 lbs 10 oz making her in the 17th percentile in weight.  She took a growth spurt and jumped from the 20th percentile in height to the 68th.  She's a tall skinny model baby.  What's funny though, is that I still see her as my chunky girl.

She's is meeting all developmental markers well.  She uses a few words, hey and bye being her favorite!  She picks up things and carries them, she stacks blocks (in our house, she prefers bowls), and she self feeds (though not very successfully with utensils).  She is already exhibting her "spirited" personality with her bedtime refusal.  Her doctor gave me some reading material and the behaviors she's showing are very characteristic of two year olds... I"m not looking forward to those terrible twos!  We discussed bedtime at length, and when the doctor was telling me that we, as parents, take too much credit in being the child's safe place, that they can associate the crib as that safe place, Reagan shook her head, quite fervently, no.  It was as if she was saying, "uh-huh, my mom is my safe place."  We all found this quite amusing.

In just a couple weeks, Anna will be having her two month check up.  I am really dreading it; it helps that Reagan has taken her binkie.  It soothes her after those scary shots.  Anna isn't really the best at self soothing, either with a binke or a thumb.  She's just not into it.  We'll pray that she'll be just as tough as her sister was today.  I'm so in love with my fuzzy headed little girls.  I can't believe my babies are already 15 months and 6 weeks.  The time is flying!


  1. We have shots next week and I won't lie, I am a bit nervous! And I foresee the problems with the crib in the future at my house too!

    1. This was the first time I didn't cry! I think it hurts us mommies just as much as the babies.

  2. What a cutie! Don't worry about the terrible two's. I taught in a two year old classroom until I got pregnant and it's really not as bad as it's cracked up to be. They're actually extra hilarious at that age.

    1. We think she's precious:) she already throws major fits, so I hope by the time she's two we can at least be able to help her understand why she's not able to stay up late, drink Mommy's coke, eat paper, unplug things.... There's a long list!!!
