I know I've talked a little about all the minor complications that my pregnancy with Reagan held. The beginning was rough, the morning sickness lasted all day long forever, and the swelling and high blood pressure ended it. It was not a fun ride at all.
This pregnancy has be MUCH more pleasant. I guess the Lord knew I couldn't chase around a growing baby/toddler and have a complicated pregnancy. I never got morning sickness, so far, at 36 weeks, I haven't had any swelling, and I feel great other than the crowding around my lungs that are causing me a little trouble catching my breath. My "baseball" belly as Reagan's daycare teacher is much more akin to a basketball, but for the most part, all my weight gain has been belly. Someone asked me yesterday if I ate because I just didn't look big enough to be ready to deliver a baby, I eat, but I don't pig out... So I'm not that waddling pregnant lady who looks like she's have quints and delivers a 6 pound baby. I am, however, waddling :)
Yet, I am much more emotional with baby number two. EVERYTHING gets me. I can't listen to the radio, watch TV, see a daddy and his little girl in the grocery store without getting all teary. I heard "It Won't Be Like This for Long" this morning and I had to sit in my car and compose myself before I could go into work. I watched a special on bipolar children on Discovery Health and I had to spend longer than I actually watched the show praying for those children and my own. And yesterday in the grocery store I saw this little girl of about 3 shopping with her dad. She was pushing one of the little carts and she looked up at her dad and said, "But daddy we aren't holding hands! Why aren't we holding hands?" He smiled at her and said because she had to push her cart. It was the sweetest thing... I can just see Reagan shopping with her daddy the same way. I can't even imagine how my love will grow as I share it with two.
Our house is going to be full of lots of fun girl hormones as the little ones grow, but it's also going to be filled with laughter, fingernail polish, daddy dates to the grocery store, hair bows, and good times I'm sure. I hope one day I can share with my little girls all the love we've had for them since before they were here. Despite the heartburn, the nausea, the fear that each cough will cause you to pee your pants, and the hormones!
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