When you have kids people ALWAYS have advice to give you. And somehow, having really small children gives permission to people to say whatever they want to you. I like to think I'm a pretty decent mother. Not perfect, not over the top, not too slack, but somewhere right around sensible. No I didn't plan on having my girls in consecutive years, but I wouldn't change it and here's the top five reasons why:
1. I never had to pack away and then re-get out all the "baby" stuff. High chairs, swings, bouncers, rock 'n plays, cribs, changing table, etc all are bulky. They take up tons of space, but when having little people, they're so handy (and some necessary) Reagan was 6 months old when we found out Anna was on the way. I just shoved that crap in the corner for the new baby.
2. I love hearing people say "Wow, you have your hands full." Well, not really. But we get it a lot and I've had a lot of time to work on my one liners back. Like when one babe is in the cart and one is on my back... "Well, actually my hands are pretty free." Or "Yep, but I sure do have pretty nails, see?!" (Ha! Just kidding, but shameless Jamberry plug there).
3. Oh, gosh two in diapers?! Yes. 2 in diapers. While an expense, so much easier than a newly potty trained kid and a newbie. The running to the disgusting public bathrooms or back to the minivan for the travel potty blows. You pooped your diaper, baby?! No problem, I can change that in a sanitary, controlled space I choose.
4. My girls love the same activities and pretty much are at the same speed. I'm not a helicopter mom, but I do watch my kids and try to be sure they are safe. We went to the park today, and the girls could pretty much climb, slide, and jump from the same spaces. I felt bad for the mom with the not-yet-mobile baby in the baby swing and the active preschooler climbing and jumping. How do you keep the baby occupied and make sure the big kid isn't breaking his arm?! Don't know. I don't have to figure that out!
5. They are best friends. Really. End of story. Nothing warms my heart more than seeing how close these sisters are.
So while people have said lots about my oops baby, complete strangers mind you, I have always been content knowing that God doesn't make oopsies. At a time I was pretty defensive about it, to the point, I would introduce myself saying, "Hi, I'm Rachel. I have a __ and a __ year old, and it's exactly like it sounds, they're a year apart." Now, I'm a little older, a little wiser, and completely content with our family dynamic. If we hadn't have had the girls so close, Reagan may very well have been our only (in addition to her brother, who has one liners too for the hands full line too), and her built in best friend for life wouldn't be here. And while to the outside world it may look like chaos, I absolutely love it.... we wouldn't have it any other way!
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