We've been talking about getting our three year old her first bike for Christmas. It's probably time; she's big enough, her brother had one at this age. Still, I hesitate a bit. Partly because if we buy one little princess something, we either have to buy 2 OR expect them to share... And well, both of those prospects make me want to pull my hair or gouge my eyes out. Watching the two play on the concrete cul de sac we call their play space grates my nerves and requires extra large glasses of wine in the evening to relax.
I still remember when my daddy took of my bike's training wheels. I was just a couple years older than Reagan and Anna, and I had a huge grassy backyard to crash into. I wobbled, and held my foot on the break so I didn't coast too fast, and I very much wanted to look back and see how far my dad's safe hands were. As the girls grow bigger, I'm learning to let go and watch them explore. It's hard. I don't want to see their skinned up knees or bruises I think I could prevent. But you know, most of the time, they are more than okay, and exceed my expectations for what they're truly capable of.
A few weeks ago, Anna counted to 15 by herself. I didn't even know she could count to five alone. Her sister manipulates nearly all conversations we have, and Anna rarely has the opportunity to share what she knows. Without the safety net of her sister's constant chatter, Anna proved that she, in her own right, has a lot going on and to say herself. Reagan swears by the time she's four she will sleep alone in her big bed, but for now until then, she will happily stretch her lanky self between her daddy and I. Luckily we have a king sized bed, because a lot of nights three sets of little feet pitter patter into our room.
I guess in life there are lots of "training wheels." I think back on my mentor teacher, Mrs. Hall, who taught third grade forever and did her best to guide me through my student teaching experience. While she had experience and knowledge, student teaching did not do the best job of preparing me for the real world of teaching. I never wanted to quit student teaching. I'm pretty sure I wanted to quit every other day my first year. I'm thankful to Kerry for trusting me to nanny her two little girls for several years. And while I love them and always spoiled them, it probably could never prepare me for how much I would love my own little ones & how 24/7 motherhood was even more exhausting than summers with Jordyn and Chrissy. I guess Reagan is probably ready for her big girl bike. Because after all, her stabilizers (Peppa Pig talk for training wheels), aren't the real thing. It's her dad's and my job to do our best to prepare her for the reality of life without training wheels, who knows, when the day comes, maybe we will do it in my childhood grassy backyard.
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