Wednesday, August 14, 2013

It's that time again!

Back to school.  Usually I have a really hard time with going back to work, this is the third time I've had to do it since becoming mommy.  I'm having difficulty this year, because my biggest baby had a very scary reaction to cashews on Friday.  She took one bite of a cashew granola bar (she loves the peanut ones), handed it back to me, rubbing her tongue, saying "my mouth hurt mommy."  Within thirty minutes I had a scene right out of Hitch.  Swollen face, hives everywhere... We marched into the pediatricians office by passing the cvs where I had planned to stop to buy Benadryl.  We left with a follow up scheduled with the allergist and a prescription for an epi pen.

Otherwise, I'm pretty excited about going back to work.  I will certainly miss my girls and worry about them, but I will be at a new school, teaching fourth graders, with some former coworkers.  I'm pretty stoked!  I needed a change, and everything has led me to believe this change was meant to be. Right down to Anna and Reagan's new daycare is nut free, which is something that seemed insignificant at the time when I visited. I will certainly miss my friends and the kids from my last school, and changing jobs was something I prayed over for quite some time.  I am just very grateful the choice was obvious.  

Being a mommy is a job in itself, having a toddler is like having a crazy pet, being a mommy to two toddlers and working is enough to drive a lady insane.  Watch for the signs in the near future!  It's back to school time😊

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, I love your blogs! Your children will appreciate these one day. :)
