I'll share this anyways. I had to take my well seeming children to the doctor today to find out they MAY have HFM, but shouldn't be contagious as long as they are fever free (and they have yet to run a fever).
Anyway, that's aggravating, but not so crazy. What is crazy is I think my children met their grandmother in the waiting room. My mother in law died 3 years ago this Christmas. The same year I married her most handsome son. She was funny, candid, witty, and real. I can't really say I know how I'd feel with her experience raising 5 boys watching over my mothering of her granddaughters, but I know she would be crazy about them. She was about their brother.
In the waiting room a lady with a broad toothy smile struck up a conversation with Reagan. Her smile, demeanor, even her voice was Faye's. She played with my little Reagan Faye. She told me she knew motherhood was hard, especially with such small ones, but as they grow it will get easier. She had that same candidness that my children's grandmother had. And for an instant, I felt like the lady who was the biggest cheerleader for my husband's and my relationship to succeed and grow, was sitting next to me. While it may seem crazy it is just what I needed as an exhausted mommy. I am deeply saddened that my girls won't know their daddy's mommy, but I do hope to share her character with them.